Place the rhino figure on its home base.
Place yourself on the biggest field you can.
White places a white stone.
What is happening
Each player chooses one token to represent them while traveling around.
You found a piece of cheese! Take one cheese wedge from the cheese stash and add it to your cheese wheel.
Always move forward, in the direction of the arrows. (Just like in real life, you can't go back in time!) If you land on an occupied space, move ahead to the next open space. Now, follow the space directions. This ends your turn. Your first turn is an exception.
A horse moves to one of the nearest squares not on the same rank, file or diagonal, i.e. in an L shape. The horse is not blocked by other pieces: it jumps to the new location.
You must plant the first card in your hand (i.e. the one that is completely visible) in one of your fields.

Check, Fold or Raise
Recreate your favourite thing